Available to consumers for seasonal irrigation, located adjacent to the Cooperative's power lines, from April 1st to October 31st. The rates for Irrigation are as follows:
Annual Base Rate (billed in April of each year) $ 19.00 per horsepower per season
First 500 KWH/Billing H.P. $ .068 per kWh per season
All over $ .053 per kWh per season
No Capital Credits will be paid on this category of service unless it provides margin to the whole of the Cooperative. Irrigation services will not be subject to the demand charge starting in January 2024.
The annual base rate will be based on the nameplate horsepower of the pump motors and end guns and 50% of pivot tower motors.
The annual base rate for a single-phase service will be billed at no less than 10 horsepower per season. The annual base rate for a three-phase service will be billed at no less than 20 horsepower per season.
The annual base rate charge of the irrigation season will be billed at the stated base rate per horsepower. Motor name plates and end guns and 50% of pivot power will be used to establish the minimum and will be billed at the beginning of the irrigation season. Any minimal usage as described in the “Availability” section of this policy will be added to the bill at the beginning of the season.
Usage during the irrigation season will be billed monthly at the established rates.
Payment for the annual horsepower charge is due fifteen (15) days from the date of the bill. Monthly billed usage is due by the 15th of the following month. If payment is not received by the dates above, the Collection and Disconnect Policy will take effect subject to its established rules and regulations.
Single phase or three phase, as available, at secondary voltage.
1. Motors having a rated capacity in excess of 10 horsepower must be three-phase or be equipped with an approved phase converter.
2. All wiring, pole, lines and other electrical equipment beyond the metering point will be considered the distribution system of the consumer and shall be furnished and maintained by the consumer.
3. Consumer shall also furnish adequate single phasing, high voltage, low voltage and overload protection for the motor. Such protection shall cover all three phases.
4. The member must furnish any additional facilities such as protective devices or corrective equipment necessary to provide acceptable power quality and to prevent interference with other consumers. When the member’s load characteristics make this necessary the Cooperative retains the right to disconnect the service until such protective devices or corrective equipment has been installed to the Cooperative’s satisfaction.
5. The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. At the option of the Cooperative, the power factor and KW demand of the consumer shall be measured and the monthly bills adjusted. Such adjustment shall be made by increasing the bills by 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging. At the request of the Cooperative, the consumer agrees to apply corrective measures to his load to bring the average power factor to 90% lagging or higher.
Electric motor drives for irrigation pump larger than 40 horsepower must be approved by Park Electric before installation.
In order to minimize unfavorable effects on the Park Electric system, all motors above 20 horsepower will be certified NEMA Class "E" or higher, with full power factor correction.
Approval will not be granted for installation of any motor not meeting these standards, as operation will be unsatisfactory to the consumer as well as the Park Electric system.
As stated in "Conditions of Service" above, the starters shall include three phase protection for single phasing, high voltage, low voltage and overload.
In addition, the location of the pump relative to the Park Electric lines, the required specifications and other pertinent information will be furnished in order that Park Electric may specify the proper starters to be used at each new service.
Starting KVA to be held between 3 KVA and 5 KVA per horsepower.
Please contact the operations department if you are thinking about installing or changing an irrigation service on our lines.